I have recently started going to a cursus about the way government functions in Aruba society. Last week we hit the topic of labor and salary in Aruba.
Well, that was an eye-opener.
According to numbers of the Central Bureau of Statistics, women have 10% more of the degrees in higher education, but only 30% of the highest salary brackets belong to the women. This is a sad state of affairs.
Even sadder is that women, who have the majority of higher education degrees, but on average earn afl. 500,00 (about $275) less per month than a man.
When I asked if this wasn't against the law, a former MP who was present said that there wasn't a law that mandates equal pay for equal work. I was flabbergasted. I asked the MP if there was going to be some sort of opposition to this kind of bill being introduced. He replied that no, not really, but that there were simply other priorities.
Other priorities. This just fills me with an even bigger determination to let my vote and support matter. The further I learn about politics, the less I am inclined to vote for somebody because of family ties or friendship.
My vote is going to be earned.
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